13 Eylül 2009 Pazar

Install moonOs 3 (Makara) From Hard Disk

moonOS is a complete and fully functional operative system based on the LXDE, Enlightenment DR17 and powered by the popular Linux Distribution Ubuntu. moonOS, a project started and designed by the Cambodian artist Chanrithy Thim (12rithy), which is perfect for any Desktop, Laptop PC or even for a Virtual Machine.

If you want to install it without burning a cd like me you can try to install from hdd. Due to being an Ubuntu based Linux distro, there is a similar installation procedure with Ubuntu. I am going to tell you about installing it from a Linux distro.

Firstly, create a directory under your home or another place. I will assume you've created a directory in /home named moonos. Then copy the iso image to this directory. To boot from this image we have to show grub where kernel and ramdisk files are. We will extract them from the image.

Open a console:

sudo su mount -o loop /home/moonos/moonos-3-makara-desktop-i386.iso /media/cdrom0

cp /media/cdrom0/casper/initrd.gz /home/moonos

cp /media/cdrom0/casper/vmlinuz /home/moonos

Now we will add an item to /boot/grub/menu.lst.

title Install moonOs

root (hd0,6)
kernel /home/moonos/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/home/moonos/moonos-3-makara-desktop-i386.iso

My root directory is under (hd0,6) here.

Save the file and restart pc. After reboot, you will see Install moonOs in the grub menu.

Remember that you can't modify the partition where the iso file is located. So you should deal with partitioning operations before starting installation.

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