One of the solution in here, was extending MappingJacksonJsonView class. But I didn't like the idea of checking every 'GET' request whether it has a 'callback' param or not.
And the other solution in here, was extending MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter class. I preferred this approach. But, I didn't like the idea of implementing an interface (JsonObject) for every request. So, I decided to change it a bit.
I decided to get the callback parameter over the servlet request. So, I neither had to implement JsonObject interface nor had to get the callback parameter with the @RequestParam annotation. Here is my solution:
/** * Converter class that we are going to use to create json-p messages. * * @author sinan.yumak * */ public class MappingJackson2JsonpHttpMessageConverter extends MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter { private static final String DEFAULT_CALLBACK_PARAMETER = "callback"; private static final ListAnd you can register your converter like that:SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES = new ArrayList () {{ add( new MediaType("application", "x-javascript") ); add( new MediaType("application", "javascript") ); add( new MediaType("text", "javascript") ); }}; public MappingJackson2JsonpHttpMessageConverter() { setSupportedMediaTypes(SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES); } @Override protected void writeInternal( Object object, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage ) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException { JsonGenerator jsonGenerator = getJsonGenerator(outputMessage); try { String callbackParam = getRequestParam( DEFAULT_CALLBACK_PARAMETER ); if ( Strings.isNullOrEmpty(callbackParam) ) { //if the callback parameter doesn't exists, use the default one... callbackParam = DEFAULT_CALLBACK_PARAMETER; } jsonGenerator.writeRaw(callbackParam); jsonGenerator.writeRaw(" ("); getObjectMapper().writeValue(jsonGenerator, object); jsonGenerator.writeRaw(");"); jsonGenerator.flush(); } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) { throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON:" + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private JsonGenerator getJsonGenerator( HttpOutputMessage outputMessage ) throws IOException { JsonEncoding encoding = getJsonEncoding(outputMessage.getHeaders().getContentType()); return getObjectMapper().getFactory().createJsonGenerator(outputMessage.getBody(), encoding); } /** * Returns given parameter from servlet request. * * @param paramName * Name of the param */ private String getRequestParam( String paramName ) { return getServletRequest().getParameter( paramName ); } /** * Returns current servlet request. */ private HttpServletRequest getServletRequest() { return ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest(); } }
@Configuration public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { @Override public void configureMessageConverters( List> converters ) { converters.add( new MappingJackson2JsonpHttpMessageConverter() ); addDefaultHttpMessageConverters( converters ); } }
thanks a lot! exactly what i needed